Sunday 3 April 2011

Whistles Carrie Skirt

I'd had my eye on this amazing, pink, floaty skirt for months. Every day after seeing it I went onto the Whistles website to check if it was online yet. Not a peep. So then when I managed to finally get to an actual store to only hear they'd all sold out, I was verging on hysteria. Then, to make matters worse, Grazia wrote a whole, two-page-spread on about it. Can you imagine the fury?
Anyway, to cut to the end of the rather long story. Yesterday morning, a true vision arrived. I have managed to track down, not one, but two of the beauties. One in pink from London and one in turquoise from Birmingham. After the shocking day I've had today, seeing it draped off my chair in my room has perked me right up again like magic. The only slight problem now, is what the hell Im going wear on top.

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